Possibly cured my leaky gut/dermatographia.
I'm not a doctor, but I believe this probiotic supplement cured me of leaky gut. I had zero health problems for the first 33 years of my life, then I contracted a nasty case of Salmonella poisoning from some tainted chicken. After I recovered from the initial illness, I started getting rashes everywhere that itched like crazy. I was also getting lines anywhere I applied pressure to my skin. I learned it was dermatographia. I was nearly hysterical after days of it, until I found Zyrtec would keep it moderately under control. I suffered this way for about 1 year until 10 weeks of taking 4 Jarro-dophilus capsules per day. At the moment, I am Zyrtec free. No more rashes. No more dermatographia. I can carry grocery bags without having 14 red lines around my arms. I can comb my hair without having 20 red lines on my forehead. I truly think this supplement cured me of my leaky gut. Your mileage may vary, but I highly recommend this item