This Is Going To Be Another “Miracle” Review (With a Candida Caveat)
UPDATE: I will leave my initial "miracle" review down below because I think that this supplement has its place and is good for what it does. There's loads of reviews here attesting to that. But for me, it was an initial healing for a couple of days followed by things getting worse again. I ended up researching some more about SIBO. candida etc and found out that you can have both at the same time. I also found out that starving candida by not eating sugar doesnt work f you have enough of this NAG in your system (naturally occuring or supplemented) because candida uses certain nutrients as cell signallers and the one it uses as its main number one for that is NAG. So for people who feel worse or for whom NAG or L Glutamine dont work for for stomach issues when everyone else is getting miraculous results? It's likely that although the NAG helps SIBO and other bacterial problems, it actually causes candida to go from its yeast state to a virulent hyphae state. So if your problem was or includes candida these 2 products can make that worse. If yeast and candida isnt a problem for you then I highly recommend this product. You can see from my review below how it did help me at first. But then I think it caused the yeast to get worse and the pain came back. I began taking an allicin supplement along with oregano oil and neem leaf capsules and feel slightly better than I have in days so I'll update here again if that ends up healing me. Update 2/4/2022 Nothing has worked for my stomach. It goes from somewhat better to really bad. So I'm about to try taking this NAG again, since whatever's going on with it doesn't ever completely go away. I'll see how I do with it this time. Original review.... This review is going to be long, because a lot has been going on with my health for the past few years and after all the doctors, the ER visits, the fear and the tears, nothing I tried worked until I began taking this yesterday. I have had what Dr's keep calling a "mystery illness" since Easter 2014. I went from being physically fit and healthy to not being able to exercise without falling asleep during a stretch or brief resting phase. Along with that I kept getting these spells that could last 6 weeks where even walking across the room, my legs felt like they were burning like I was climbing up a hill. My arms, doing dishes felt like they were lifting weights. That exertion, burning muscle feeling. That would have been bad enough, but with it came a really fast heart rate and high blood pressure. Unfortunately, the first ER doctor that I saw asked me if I had any anxiety. I should have lied.I advise you to lie if you are ever in need of a doctors help and know that your underlying problem isnt anxiety. Because once you admit to having depression and or anxiety you can kiss any comprehensive testing goodbye and say hello to Effexor. By default the doctors are prescribing SSRi's to "see if it helps" because they think we are all imagining things or overly sensitive to pain etc. That is a very easy diagnose to give someone, rather than potentially a lot of testing. I was initially given the usual tests, nothing to out of the oridinary. And sent home with an SSRI, some synthroid, and the promise that if they didnt help, THEN we WOULD do the unusual tests. (Lyme, metal toxicity, unusual hormones they dont normally test for) Well I came back in a month only to be told all my bloodwork looked fine and they couldnt find anything wrong with me. They never ran the unusual tests. I asked them to. I eventually ended up begging them to, but I never got them. Over the years I kept ending up in the ER with muscles spasming, heart rate and BP through the roof, and so many labs that were just a little high or a little low but nothing they would want to treat. No explanation for why I kept having a low phosphorus level. I went to see a nephrologist 3 times over a year and a half only to be told that she didnt know why my phos was always low because its never low unless it is very dire. I did tons of research and found out that phosphorus is never low unless your dying. Everyone in ICU has low phosphorus. People in concentration camps who were rescues after WW2 kept dying after they were given food after their starvation, and it was eventually figured out that when starving, they were depleted of phosphorus, and so then feeding them too quickly with full meals right away would cause heart failure because the tiny bit of phosphorus in their bodies was being used to keep their heart beating. But when we eat carbohydrate and sugar, the body uses phosphorus (plus pottassium and thiamine) to push the sugar from the blood into the cells. And that reaction can kill someone low in phosphorus. It's called refeeding syndrome. It's also the reason anorexics must be kept in the hospital and slowly reintroduce food. It's also why a lot of them end up dying of heart failure at home, If they go from starving to deciding to eat a piece of birthday cake, that can kill them when the phosphorus shifts into the cells trying to handle the sugar load. The other possible causes of low phosphorus are heart failure, kidney failure and parathyroid disease. It took me years to find out everything that I've researched about all my symptoms and possible causes, but it turns out that a lot of phosphorus is needed to heal burns. That might be significant and I'll come back to that. I noticed that every time I went to the ER my blood sugar was around 140 but they never mentioned it or asked me when I'd last eaten. It caused me to buy a glucose testing kit and what I found was that when I eat, my blood sugar can reach 250 within 30 minutes of when I start eating. It stays high for a little while and then within a 15 minute window it falls rapidly to about 130. The glucose tolerance test measures that tests for diabetes doesnt measure it early enough to catch that high spike that is happening so son after I start eating. And from what I read its never normal for a non diabetic to have blood sugar that high. So I havent gotten any help with that and I think that it could be the reason my phosphorus is low. The high spiking sugar at an odd time might be a form of diabetes that hasnt been officially recognized yet and phosphorus wasting may be a part of it. So all of that is in the background of whats been going on with me but I need to get to why I feel this supplement is a miracle. I told you this review would be long! LOL,,,, I have had GERD for decades. I used to take TUMS and it helped a lot for sleeping at night. But once I was told I had low phosphorus the Dr said never take calcium because it can lower phosphorus levels. So can magnesium. So from then on I never took another antacid, No PPI, HP blocker or anything. And there have been phases that have lasted weeks where the reflux is so bad that it feels like its killing me. After a particularly bad flare up of that four or five years ago I got a really bad pain in my right mid stomach. It hurt so much that I couldnt sleep. It lasted weeks. I ended up getting an ultrasound of my gallbladder and they told me it was fine and it was probably SIBO. or celiac and to look online for those diets and see if they would help. I asked for an H Pylori test and they said no we dont do that here. We diagnose everything by endoscopy. Sibo, ulcers, things that stool and breath and blood tests exist for they said no, its an endoscopy or just try the diet. I asked for an antibiotic, since both SIBO and H pylori are killed by certain ones and they said no, we dont prescribe them because it can lead to worse problems. SO, I struggled with off and on bouts of this crippling pain in my right side, plus GERD for years. I tried every natural remedy and supplement that I could find but nothing worked. The stomach issues just flared up whenever they felt like it and I could never isolate a trigger food. Eventually, last September, I got the right sided pain along with upper left side and a brown -yes I said brown- tongue. And bouts of dizziness that felt like I was off balance. I went to the Dr, who put me back on synthroid and gave me a mouthwash for thrush. I had already been to the ER and got a cat scan but everyone treated me like all that was wrong with me was anxiety. I actually got told that some people just had brown tongues! Mine has always been pink and completely healthy looking. But since September I've had bouts of dizziness, brown tongue along with it. And this stomach pain that eventually ended up forming just a wall of pain going across my entire upper to mid abdomen. Along with the pain, I look 9 months pregnant. I had gained weight due to the mystery illness of a few years zapping my strength and energy, but starting in September when the tongue and dizziness and now both sided pain began, I gained 10 pounds in a week and my stomach looked pregnant. The doctors just look at me like I've always looked that fat, and always had a brown tongue when I was telling them, look. something is wrong with me. I keep getting the stomach, the tongue, the dizziness, all at the same time. (I also got a rash on my chest the first two times it happened) It hurts all the time even when I dont eat but much worse when I eat. I cant eat anything acidic or salty because it burns on the left and right as it passe those areas. But all food hurts and causes immediate swelling. Even if i dont eat it hurts. it hurts when I touch my stomach on the outside as well. or bend over and that left side is compressed. You can actually see on my left side, whatever organ or intestine is there has been swollen for so long that it has created a crease below it and you can see the outline of it. So the last time I went to the dr was a month ago, and I had been having a flare up for 2 solid months at that time. So now it has been 3 months. I had actually called the after hours to request a barium X ray because it felt so much like I had ulcers or something. But then 2 days later I went to see them and the Dr told me that they dont think I need an X ray and that they think I have ibs, which means they dont know what it is. But that Effexor helps it. And never mind the return of the brown tongue I said was thrush last time. Now I dont think it looks like thrush but you must just have a normally brown tongue! Never mind that you look pregnant. (And btw on my last ER visit they took a pregnancy test without asking me. Id have told them there is no need because I havent had sex at all, not even close. Yet my pregnancy hormone is mildly elevated. They said oh it can be that way for women of your age as part of perimenopause. ?? But I look 9 months pregnant....but I:m not. But my hormone is elevated. But its just nothing?? So yeh, I was sent home being told its just ibs. Yet i have no constipation or diarreah. From what I am guessing i think its possible I actually have chronic gastritis, probably ulcers or getting close to it. An my entire upper intestines are fully inflamed. Last night I read a comment from someone with my exact symptoms and exact areas of pain and swelling who ended up having a rare form of chrohns that effects only the upper abdomen. I think maybe I have that as well as gastritis. All I know is, I am on my own with this. One symptom I forgot to mention is that I am getting hot sweats and when one specific area of my abdomen has a stabbing pain, my entire body is immediately burning up, flushed pink and covered in sweat. The reason I am here leaving this review, is because in my search for a supplement I havent yet tried, I came across one with this as an ingredient in it. And I right away got an image of a bottle of this up on a shelf in the kitchen. i bought it a year ago. I dont know if I bought it because I had heard it was good for healing stomach lining, or if it was for some other reason but I never actually took it. So I took a half of one last night. I opened it and drank it in some water. I slept and kept waking up wondering if I were imagining the lack of pain that keeps waking me up and also the lack of those pain and heat flashes. I was still sweating all night but without the pain, flushing and extra sweat that goes along with that. Then I woke up today and took one. My upper stomach mildly ached but nothing like it has been doing. Later today I took another one. The amazing thing is that when I have eaten, I havent been getting the bad pains or massive swelling all day. It is still all there, but it feels like it is less inflamed and less hot to the touch. That is why I called it a miracle. Any relief of the pain and signs that it is healing is a miracle after 3 months of all day and all night pain, plus the swelling and the fear of what is wrong with me. I dont know what it is doing to stop the pain and I hope that it isnt just acting like a pain reliever or a bit of anti inflammatory effect. I hope it can do more, and heal whatever this is. But I have tried lots of herbal anti inflammatory pain relievers and they did nothing. This somehow worked quickly, after just half a pill. I also took some triphala but I think it is this pill that is helping and the triphala might be adding to the healing powers but this is what is doing most of the miracle like effect. Ill update soon. I hope that it does heal whatever is going on with me. I felt like I was being given a death sentence in a way. A prescription to go home and die of whatever this problem is because clearly the Drs are missing it. But I'm thinking aside from sugar, the low phosphorus might be getting used up by my stomach trying to repair itself. I think I have massive inflammation of my upper intestines and I'll be lucky if my pancreas or spleen isnt involved, but its the intestine over that area that is swelling up so much