healing intestinal hyperpermeability i.e. “leaky gut”
I found out by way of diagnosis with an autoimmune thyroid disease (Hashimoto's autoimmune thyroiditis) that I had intestinal hyperpermeability (i.e. "leaky gut"). My holistic physician and a book by Dr. Isabella Wentz on Hashimoto's taught me that is one of the conditions that is almost always required to be present for autoimmunity to develop, or it is a result. The only GI signs I had were a months history of gradual onset acid reflux (which I had never had before) and what I decided were early onset of low stomach acid and slight lactose intolerance. To treat the reflux which I saw as a symptom of the leaky gut I used prilosec at high doses as a very temporary measure to get a handle on things until I got my leaky gut headed in the right direction. I did this first with high dose probiotics (Hyperbiotics PRO-15 time-release regular strength 5 billion cfu "pearls") three times daily for a month, (after a month I tried to go down to once a day a normal dose and didn't feel enough support, so I switched to the Hyperbiotics Advanced Strength time-release tablets 15 billion cfu once daily and am still taking these at that dose - they are awesome), and then added high potency broad spectrum digestive enzymes including gluten-digest and dairy-digest also (all NOW brand) after every meal. Then I added Nature's Way licorice root,1 capsule three times a day with meals and NOW Aloe Vera gel caps 2 gels three times a day with meals along with the L-glutamine three times a day to address the leaky gut further, and I noticed after 2-3 weeks of this combination a definite improvement in how my GI tract overall felt, and noticed I was better absorbing my food and my vitamins, minerals, and other supplements. Another useful hint I used D-limonene (Jarrow) to stop my acid reflux almost completely taking just one soft gel a day and tapered off the prilosec completely within 1-2 weeks. After that the other supplements I added to help my intestines also helped to keep the acid reflux under control, although I added slippery elm (NOW) 1 capsule three times daily with meals when things got a little worse again. The last thing I got brave enough to try was Betaine Hcl with Pepsin (NOW brand) to correct for low stomach acid, another common cause of acid reflux and maldigestion and malabsorption as well as small intestinal bacterial overgrowth, which I strongly suspected I had had due to my rapid response to only the high dose probiotics in the beginning. It takes me anywhere from 1-3 capsules of Betaine Hcl to appropriately digest a small to large meal, depending on how much protein there is, but the extra acid definitely helps, believe it or not. The day I took my first dose of Betaine Hcl was the last day I ever took prilosec, which I consider a big win. I do believe the L-glutamine has been an essential part in beginning to heal my leaky gut. I have not changed my diet except to try to eat as healthy as possible, If I have to I will, but given how much better I feel in my GI tract, I find it hard to believe that I have a serious food intolerance problem at least so far. I do think the L-glutamine is more integral to my healing than I thought at first. At first I was going to take it for a month or two, expected to notice no difference and so then planned to stop, having done my due dillegence. Now, although I don't plan to be on it forever, I fully expect it to be a number of months minimum that I am on this, until I feel my "leaky gut" has healed. I highly recommend this product to anyone who is attempting to treat their own situation with intestinal hyperpermeability, or anyone who thinks they "just" have GERD or IBS or Celiac or any other intestinal disorder, it that may run deeper than you think. I have given all this information about my situation and the supplements I have used in case it can help someone else like me, or someone with a simpler problem. It was noticing the distinct effects of the L-Glutamine that to me confirmed the "leaky gut" hypothesis/diagnosis and I was surprised how much it helped, with myself having few overt GI symptoms initially. I highly recommend L-glutamine as a crucial component for healing leaky gut for anyone who even suspects they might need it. And Jarrow brand is always the best. It comes in a powder too where you can dose much higher doses but the tablets are working fine for me after I upped my dose to 2 tablets three times a day. What L-glutamine does is provides directly absorbable nutrition to the GI enterocytes to help the "tight junctions" heal. They are what are supposed to be able to keep food particles, bacteria, and other antigens from the systemic circulation where they cause systemic inflammation and sometimes autoimmune disease. The crucial thing is that the "leakiness" is sometimes silent except for mild GI symptoms or even seemingly unrelated symptoms such as joint pain. Even for someone without intestinal hyperpermeability but who has signs such as acid reflux and IBS, L-glutamine can be helpful because it provides direct healing to the cells lining the GI tract. Furthermore, for simple GI upset or IBS, many of the interventions and supplements I have been using can be helpful also. Some combination of licorice root, slippery elm, and marshmallow root can heal or manage many such cases on their own, and so can aloe vera. I believe with any even mild GI symptoms, though, that it is rare not to have dysbiosis, maldigestion, and malabsorption, and so no matter what, strong high quality probiotics (I highly recommend Hyperbiotics) and good broad spectrum powerful digestive enzymes are essential for almost anyone. And consider the L-glutamine - it is essential for anyone with any even "mild" form of "leaky gut", and it may just help with other simpler GI problems as well, and all with no side effects. I know what it does for me, and I will be reordering and using the L-glutamine tablets by Jarrow for the forseeable future. Highly recommend this product