So before i begin here, i have a number of health issues all stemming from me having Liver disease. I am still in the recovery process from stage 3 Liver disease and one of the worst side effects of this disease for me is the heart problems. I have severe deficiencies that cause major heart palpitations and calcification in my arteries all throughout my body. As well as bad heart palpitations. So i ordered this product hoping it would help with my thrombosis in my arms and legs and maybe even help to heal my liver because of the vitamin E... results: terrible headaches, heart palpitations got worse, thrombosis ease up some. But then after about 4 days of taking it i started getting nose bleeds like crazy. I was taking 1 pill twice a day. Every 12 hours basically. So heres the take away... theres too much vitamin e in this, doses of up to and above 200iu of vitamin e per day have been shown to increase heart disease risks and premature death from heart diseases. And hawthorn and cayenne should not be mixed with vitamin E as all 3 of these supplements counteract one another in terms of blood platelet activity and heart rhythm. So whoever thought of this combination clearly didnt know what they were doing. If your having similar heart problems to me... i recommend you try taking "beetroot" 500mg once or twice a day (your choice) with "omega 3" (krill oil works better) this will "REALLY HELP" it took me a whole year to figure out the right combination of supplements to combat my health problems. I do everything naturally and at home since i do not have the money to see a doctor. I currently take magnesium glycinate, omega 3, and beetroot... twice a day. Works great for everything. Literally, aged garlic can help too but it really only helps with blood pressure and cholesterol, if your like me it wont do much for you. Other than that i hope thos helped, Godbless