I get occasional cold sores when exposed to the sun, or if under the weather/stressed. I've used Campho and Abreva over the counter solutions and found they weren't getting the job done as quickly as needed. I turned to perscription treatment, using Zovarax cream for about a year which was slightly better than Campho but still messy and not fast enough. My doctor than prescribed me Famvir oral medication to take on the onset of a cold sore break out. Famvir was an excellent solution for me, but very expensive considering how many pills were necessary in a dosage and length of dosage.
Tired of calling my doctor for refills, I researched natural remedies and came across Lysine. Having tried many different over the counter and prescription medications for the treatment of cold sores, I must tell you that Lysine has been an absolute miracle drug to me. I haven't had a cold sore since buying it approx 8 months ago. Any time I feel that tingling sensation in the corner of my lip, I take 3 pills a day until the tingling is completely gone. I don't know how well it would treat an existing cold sore, as I've never had a cold sore progress since starting this regimen, but I do know it has worked wonders as a preventative.
I experience no side effects from the pills. They do have a biting taste, so swallow quickly. As a friendly warning I'd like to warn that these pills are VERY large - they're as big as the tip of my middle finger - so I have to take them one at a time. I sometimes take 3 pills when I know I will be out in the sun all day just to be proactive, but generally speaking I do not take Lysine unless I feel the onset of a cold core
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