Solved a Urinary Tract Problem!
There's not a lot of pros and cons to write about a product like this. My wife and I were dealing with a very unpleasant experience after each time we...[clears throat]...ya know. She would get a Yeast infection almost every time...and when we started trying for children (I'm sure you can figure out what we did differently) she got an infection EVERY time. I remembered that these infections happened with a few girlfriends before my wife, as well. I knew the problem was with me, so I saw 5 doctors (yes, five) and got the same story from all of them. "You're 100% clean, no infections, no diseases, you just have a different pH than your wife." Makes sense, I suppose. Knowing cranberry juice often helps to alleviate urinary tract infections for many people, I thought, "maybe cranberry could also help regulate whatever the heck makes my pH so much different from my wife's." Instead of drinking unreasonable amounts of cranberry juice, I tried these. Three each morning, that's it. In about 2 weeks our little problem had been solved! No more yeast infections! I continue to take these every morning (sometimes I forget for as long as a week with no issues) and everything is normal now. Thank goodness