A natural Flu vaccine?
I've always been a bit of a believer in Ginger's healing powers. I was living in China for three years, and whenever I got sick some friends of mine would cook up their hometown remedy. Cola boiled with Ginger and Sichuan Peppercorn! Wooo, soar throat? runny nose? Cough? Instantly gone with this remedy! If it was a serious cold the symptoms would slowly come back the next day, but you just had to boil another one up for instant relief yet again. Twice a year I would visit a remote village area of China... It wasn't far enough north where they use indoor heating, so instead everyone would just wear extra clothes indoors. Without fail, I would get sick on every visit. I started taking these Ginger pills (2 a day with lunch) and the couple times I've since been back were incident free. Placebo effect? Perhaps, but it's more than welcome! I'll be continuing to take these