Entire winter without a cold or the flu
I just went through the first winter, for as long as I can remember, in which I did not have a cold or the flu. I typically get hit with at least one cold or a bout of the flu each winter, but this past winter was the first one during which I took these Elderberry capsules and I did not get hit with either a cold or the flu. I felt a cold coming on at least 6 or 7 times, but in each case it never took hold & I dodged a bullet. I want to note that I did NOT get a flu shot. Considering that I'm 62 years old and also had received external beam radiation treatments for Prostate cancer about 11 years ago, I have to presume that my immune system is probably not particularly robust; yet in spite of all that I experienced an entire winter without a cold or flu. Is it because of these Elderberry capsules? I'm thinking maybe it is. I'm curious to see if next winter turns out the same - if it does, then I'll be even more convinced