A depression cure
I've been purchasing this brand and variety (the 40-plus) for awhile now, initially because the vitamins are fermented, and I know that fermented foods are healthy. But hand-to-God, the most thrilling benefit of this vitamin is that is helps my depression. I'm not kidding. I've had episodes of depression where I took this vitamin and an hour later felt it lift. And I'm talking about clinical depression, not a blue mood. There's so much research now about the benefits of vitamins for depression. This was such great news to me as I cannot tolerate a single antipressant on the market as a chemo drug I was taking made me sensitive to everything. If you'd like more info about the subject, do a search on the "MTHFR and depression" connection, which will inform you all about the importance of supplementing with folate (not folic acid). The best articles I've found are on the Red Mountain web site, written by Dr. Rob Rostenberg. (I think I'm remembering his name right.) I can't vouch for other vitamins in the New Chapter line (in terms of their effects on depression), but this one? It's like my miracle pill. I even consulted with a doctor at the Red Mountain site, and she said it was safe to take this vitamin twice a day if I needed it. She also prescirbed a few more supplements for when the depression gets really bad (and it helps), but most often all I need is this one. I can't thank this company enough. And no, it's not placebo because I noticed the effects long before I became educated about any of this stuff. I hope it works as well for any other depression patients out there. Note: The term "MTHFR" refers to a genetic defect. If you have it, as I do, you are 500 times more likely to experience depression. But do your research about which form of folate to take. I take methylfolate, the Blue Bonnet brand. But the New Chapter 40 (regardless of your age) has been the most important for me