One of the better multivitimins in a natural form
As far as I am concerned, most multivitamins are a crap shoot. Most don't have any of the elements in a quantity that would do anyone any good. Although this multivitamin does not have any element in a quantity that would be self-sustaining, it is supposedly all natural and does include a lot of natural supplements. This one is higher on my list of preferred supplements than most others. XtendLife also offers a multivitamin that offers higher quantities of the various vitamins, but they downside of these is the number of pills you need to take. I would prefer to take 1 pill a day vs. 6, but it seems logical that one pill a day will not contain all of the daily vitamins required for optimum health. On the plus side, I now buy these for my 97 year old mother in addition to myself. The XtendLife multivitamins upset her stomach and caused Diarrhea. It took is almost two months to figure out what the problem was, but when we switched her to these vitamins, the Diarrhea stopped in less than a week