Don't even bother with the other, cheaper, pretender brands!!
THIS is the real stuff with the most, best, STRONGEST results! It may sound like ADVERTISING hoakum and probably is but . . . I have been doing Oregano oil supplementing for 30 years and tried other less expensive brands/types - ONLY the North American Herb brand got me the consistent results I've wanted. I've not had a full blown cold in going on 3 years now! At the 1st inkling of a Sore throat, open wide & put a SINGLE drop as far back as you can in the throat, don't swallow right away and let it do it's anti-viral work . . . repeat if necessary! If your feeling sick or run down or just been around ioo many sick people esp. sick chidren, dose up yourself with a self-made capsule of a drops to 1/3 or 1/2 of a capsule full - repeat if necessary! I used cure my childrens ear infections on some cotton with this stuff and the MD's were stunned and surprised. Excellent for wounds in survival situations(I always carry this stuff in my 1st Aid Kit when out in the wild), mosquito/insect bites, most any skin irritations. I'm QUITE sure the difference is in the WILD Meditteranean sourced Oregano - this P 73 or whatever IT is, BUT - I LOVE it and I USE the heck outta this stuff