Fights wrinkles, age spots, freckles, shrinks pores for smooth skin
A form of fat soluble Vit C that reduces and removes wrinkles, shrinks pores, and evens out freckles and age spots due to melanin. I think this may also be good for melasma. Have used this for years. Both NOW brand and Source Naturals brands are excellent. Do not take more than 1 pill daily. This is FAT SOLUBLE not water soluble like regular Vit C so it will not flush out of your body easily. You will notice a difference in your facial skin in one week. All athletes, aging people, and those with melasma will benefit from this supplement. Very safe. FYI - No form of Vit C causes Kidney stones. This is a misinformation and I have even seen doctors saying this. Utter rubbish! It is oxalates calcium that causes Kidney stones in some people. Do not take Calcium supplements in general (unless cleared by doc) as they are bad for your heart. They also mix with oxalates from beets, beet leaves, swiss chard, and any food heavy in oxalic acid, to form Kidney stones in SOME people not most. Keep eating your greens and don't overdo the heavy oxalate veggies. Use common sense