Long story short I had/have prostatitis (inflammation of the prostate) and my doctor prescribed a anti-biotic along with recommending that I take a vitamin high in Sylenium and Licopene, which I had already been doing for well over a year before being diagnosed by taking a mutli-vitamin supplemental. Additionally my Doctor recommended abstaining from red wine, beer and spicy food (now I must confess this I did not do very well, who can?)
After the antibiotics were used up the symptoms lessoned but did not entirely go away. My PSA (Prostate Specific Antigen) level was constant (no increase or decrease) but the Dr. said to just monitor it every year or so and continue taking a multi-vitamin on a daily basis.
After reading many online stories of others with Prostatitis, some articles suggested that taking an anti-oxident (like Green Tea Extract) could make things much more comfortable by reducing the inflamation effect. Armed with that knowledge I decided to give it a shot and bought two bottles of this product and three weeks later my protstatis syptoms significantly decreased. Upon my annual checkup with my Doctor I mentioned to him that I continued to take a multi-vitamin and in addition to that Green Tea Extract as well and told him my results. He told me that taking any anti-oxidents is highly recommended and he recommended that I continue taking the Green Tea Extract.
Fast forward, I still take my other multi-vitamin and when I ran out of this product for one week I noticed that my prostatitis was coming back...As soon as I started taking it again the symptons went away almost immediately.
Currently I am taking 1 pill a day but may up it to 2 pills a day like someone else recommended. I take mine currently in the morning..If I take it in the evening I am not able to go to sleep on time.
I am not saying that this pill will cure your prostatitis but for me it helped make life a LOT more comfortable plus its an all natural product which scored bonus points with me.
I will say that over the course of 1 year when I started to taking this product I have lost 30 lbs...But I don't know if that was due to changing my eating habits (eating healthier now) or if Green Tea Extract was the main cuprit. Physically speaking, I have done about the same amount of excercise over that time (pretty active).
Either way, since taking this product I feel much better, have more energy, much more focused and alert than I was before and most of all no, or very little, symptoms of Prostatitis.
Try a bottle and give yourself a few weeks before passing judgement on this product, be it for weightloss, overall well-being or lessoning inflamation effects.
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