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\ 1/ Family owned since 1968.
Supplement Facts
Sewing Size 2 Veg Capsules
Servmgs Per Container 60
Amount 0/903"!
Per Sewing Value
Sodium (irom Sodium Hyaluronate) 10 mg —<1’°
Hyaiuronic Acid 100 mg T
(from Sodium Hyaluronate) i
MSM (Methylsulfonylmethane) 9’00 mg
i‘ Daily Value not established.
03"" ”‘gredients: Hypromellose (ceilulose CaPSU'e)' szea
“db/999151315 source) and Silicon Dioxide.
NOW FOODS, 395 5. Glen EIIY” Rd-
M E“00mingdale, IL 60108, USA n0M°°d5‘c°mce
made f‘md quaiity tested in the USA with globally 5°”
gradients. h we
0‘ maniiiac - - h, shell“?!
nut or sesamguigeéjremgitgnizyi’ggucegginfi: GMP faC'Wsthat
meessgs Other ingredients containing these allerge'“ r
'5 Product.