Just last month, according to a very well known and reputable Lab known for testing Consumer products such as this, NOW Foods Krill Oil FAILED the test. They found that it DID NOT contain the claimed amounts of fish oil per capsule. (About 75% of claim). Not only that, they were found to be SPOILED/RANCID!. (The product tested was brand new and protected from heat and moisture so thats not why) If you bought these recently, it could be that you are taking a RANCID supplement. I cant believe NOW Foods failed this test. Every other joe blow generic company managed to pass this test with flying colors. WHY NOT NOW FOODS? This company was once very trusted by me and I always looked for their products but after seeing these results it really wakes you up. I will be returning my krill oil for another brand. Absolutely unbelievable. I could MAYBE understand the potency issue, but them being RANCID? Im not sure how much info im allowed to divulge because you gotta pay for the info but I highly recommend you look up third party lab testing for supplements. Its very cheap and you can discover things like this. Dont believe me? I dont work for any other company - go ahead, buy any brand you want - but certainly not this one. I have enough problems - I dont need this nonsense. I'll pay an extra buck or two for a supplement that actually gives you your money's worth (worsened by the fact that its spoiled anyway). Just unacceptable. One failed lab test is too many - im sorry. They should be testing EVERY BATCH themselves