Prefer over loose powder form.
I find capsules much easier to deal with for stomach calming purpose. I can't take PPI's or H2's they cause heart problems. Some very serious too. So in the end I have ulcers and looking to this and marshmallow powder to buffer my somach and calm it down at times due to heart burn etc. Doctors may not agree but one insists I need to take the PPI's and that despite my 35 hour internal and external head to toe outbreak of Hives. So not just a heart problem either. I think the PHD world of many doctors today come out expecting you to fit into a cheat sheet box if this than that category and if you don't or can't you are dismissed or worse they are insisting YOU MUST. I was diagnosed with 5 severe ulcers via scope and it's not H. pelori or other organism caused so no antibiotics available to treat quickly. And instead of working with me to help figure out what is the root of it even if that was just my genetic make up I go around with the medical field over it. Now is it any wonder some of us turn to alternative medicines and treat ourselves? Yeah so that's how I'm here anyway. And no it's not a cure for my condition I know that. But over the counter antacids do not always work for me either. So I take one capsule of slippery elm in the morning with breakfast or just before. And mallow mid afternoon and before bed one of the other to help keep my stomach buffered not just calm. Does it work...for certain I have no idea as one of the doctors who does not want to be my doctor refuses to do another endoscope unless I am willing to try another PPI first for six months and the pharmacy told him NO she should not so they saw it my way. Living in a rural area over 100 miles from specialists and other doctors can be a big compromise too. In the end I continue to take as I like to believe it's help small or otherwise in the situation I find myself in. Stay safe everyone