This product has made my life so much better!!!!!!!!
I just want to say that I have never written a review on a product before. I also did not get this item at a discount or for free. I have IBS and an a peptic ulcer and acid reflux and chronic Constipation. I was surfing the web and someone mentioned this product. I thought I had nothing to lose I have tried everything in the world to feel better. Omeprozole works but my hair falls out like crazy when I take it even for a few week. I have to tell you how miserable life has been this last year or so. I never feel good and I never go tot the bathroom and my tummy burns all day long. I have thought of quitting my job because I can't stand being there and feeling like this. Sorry for the long intro on my problems but I have to say this stuff has changed my life. I have regular bowel movements and no heeart burn and no burning tummy or trapped gas anymore. I take two 1/2 tsps daily. One in the morning when I get up and one at dinner time. I can eat whatever I want. I feel like I did 10 years ago. This stuff also helps your hair. It makes it grow, it changes the texture to a softer texture. I also have noticed a change in my thyroid function. I have to eat a ton to put on weight. I just got back from my honeymoon and I ate like a pig for a week and came back and only weigh 1 pound more then when I left. I used to be cold and shivering all the time, even when others said it wasn't cold but now I'm warm and very seldom get cold. Look up L-Glutamine and thyroid function and see what other's have to say if you doubt me