Goodbye Acid Reflux, Gas, and Constipation
As a survivor of a lower motor neuron spinal injury that resulted in a partial neurogenic colon, I am intimately familiar with the extensive benefits of taking digestive enzymes. After my accident, I immediately needed assistance with digesting my food, and digestive enzymes came to my rescue. Digestive enzymes absolutely assist with flatulence, bloating, and constipation. Some digestive enzymes containing Betaine HCL and Pepsin such as NOW Foods Super Enzymes also reduce acid reflux and gerd. Acid reflux should be treated by increasing hydrochloric acid, not antacids which will neutralize hydrochloric acid, making acid reflux worse. I know my statements are accurate as I have benefited from taking enzymes for over two years. Enzymes are that one supplement where results are noticed immediately. Our bodies require digestive aids to break down proteins, fats, carbohydrates, and fiber. As we age, especially over 40, our production of digestive aids decrease. After two years of taking NOW Foods Super Enzyme, I have not had any acid reflux. Those days of waking up at night with my throat burning are gone. My constipation and flatulence are way down (my family agrees), and I believe in this product. I am rating this product five stars because it simply works as advertised. NOW FOODS SUPER ENZYMES CONTAINS: Amylase - breaks down large carbohydrate chains Betaine HCL - increases stomach acid reducing acid reflux and gerd Bromelain - breaks down protein Cellulase - breaks down fiber for nutrition from plant food Lipase - breaks down fat Ox Bile Extract - Contains lipase enzymes to break down dietary fat Papaya Fruit Powder - contain 212 amino acids and several enzymes Papain (from Papaya) - proteolytic enzyme that has an anti-inflammatory effect on the stomach Pepsin - break down proteins into the peptides required for proper absorption (that's really important) Protease - breaks down protein The one missing component I wish were present within Super Enzymes is Alpha Galactosidase, which breaks down Amylase resistant carbohydrates, such as beans/legumes, starchy fruits and vegetables (such as bananas), whole grains (oats, oatmeal), green peas, some types of cooked then cooled foods (such as potatoes and rice). The product I use to increase Alpha Galactosidase is Bean-zyme Anti-Gas Digestive Aid, 500 Capsules per bottle, Food Enzyme Dietary Supplement which is the same component within "BeanO". For Vegetarians or those practicing religious exclusion of pork, NOW Food Super Enzymes contains porcine (pork) pancreatin from pork pancreas and also Ox Bile. I purchase online almost daily and rely on other reviews to guide me to smart purchases. I write both positive and negative reviews, as can be witnessed from my review history, based on my experience. If you find this review helpful, please click the "yes" button below