Great for sleep or when used in proper combination can help with anxiety & serotonin uptake issues/depression.
Great product from a trustworthy brand! A precursor to L-Tryptophan which anyone who eats turkey on Thanksgiving knows can help knock you and get a well rested night of sleep. I took it combo with L-Tyrosine & DOPA MUCUNA for an all natural anti-depressant/anti-anxiety/mood stabilizer until doing a bit more research on SAM-e which is actually cheaper in the long run for those symptoms so long as you don't have any heart or cardiovascular issues, I prefer SAM-e but was originally fearful of the serious side effect health risks. SAM-e must be kept in check with certain vitamins to decrease possible dangerous long term side effects such as Cardiovascular disease but can be done simply with a daily multivitamin containing those vitamins [B-6, B-12 & Pantothenic Acid I believe, but please research it first] needed to keep the risks at bay. I suggest this along with L-Tyrosine & DOPA MUCUNA for those whom are unable or unwilling to take SAM-e. SAM-e is 1-2 pills once or twice a day where this combo is more intricate. NOW Foods makes a SAM-e supplement as well as B complex & multi vitamin to help with possible SAM-e side effects. And again, great for helping to fall asleep, just as good as melatonin, if not better