Feeling great!
5-HTP is working great for me. I had been feeling down for a few years and had a pretty negative outlook on life in general. I knew that mentality wasn't me but didn't know what to do about it. Also, it seemed like no matter how much I wanted to get something done I just had zero motivation or desire to do it. I went to the the doctor almost three years ago and was prescribed an antidepressant. I took it for over three months with no change other than just not caring as much so I weaned myself off of it. If you have ever done that you know how rough it is. Two months ago I went to another doctor for a heart issue that was brought on by stress. After blood work i was told i was low on vitamin D and my doc recommended 5-HTP and a 5000IU D vitamin to take daily. That evening I ordered this bottle. All I can say is wow! After two weeks I started feeling a little better. Everyday after that things just seemed a little brighter. Things are great now. I feel like my old self again. After over three years of being depressed it is a huge change for me to be out of that slump. I wish I had discovered this a long time ago and not spent so many years like I did. A month ago I added a Super B Complex vitamin to my diet which gave me a ton of energy along with the good mood and desire to do things. Life is good. I'm not saying this will work the same for everyone but I would recommend you give it a try. Ask your doctor what dose to take and try it for a month. My doc told me to start taking 50 mg a day for 2weeks then up it to 100. Good luck