The Benefits of Molybdenum, eczema Treatment

According to current medical research, there is limited evidence to suggest that Molybdenum directly benefits in preventing or helping with eczema Molybdenum is an essential trace mineral that contributes to several biological processes in the body, including the metabolism of certain amino acids and the detoxification of harmful substances. However, its specific role in skin health, particularly in relation to eczema remains unclear.

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Supplement: , Used for treating eczema

Family owned since 1968.
Supplement Facts
Sewing Size 1 Veg Capsule
Amount °/° Daily
Per Serving V‘Lue
Selenium 25 mcg 45%
Molybdenum 50 mcg 111%
(lrom Sodium Molybdate)
.N‘Acetyl Cysteine (NAC) 600 "lg—’1
lDaily Value not established-
0"“? ingredients; Hypromellose (CeHU'ose capsule)!
team Add (vegetable source) and Citric Add
Qualily Tested & Pa W FOODS
cka ed by NO
55. Glen Ellyn Rd., Bloosriningdale' 'L 60108' USA
actured with wheat, gluten. 50)’: mllk? 929'
a 'l'Sh or tree nut ingredients P’°.duced m
K Containicny 'ty that Processes other il’lgred'ent5 0”
9 these allergens.
In a cool, dry place after opening-
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