The Benefits of Selenium, Skin cancer Treatment

Selenium is a trace mineral that plays a crucial role in various physiological processes and is known for its antioxidant properties. Some studies have suggested that Selenium may have a protective effect against Skin cancer However, it is important to note that the research in this area is still limited and findings have been inconsistent.

One study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) in 1996 reported that individuals with higher Selenium levels in their blood had a decreased risk of developing Skin cancer Similarly, a study published in the European Journal of Cancer Prevention in 1997 found that higher Selenium levels were associated with a reduced risk of developing non-melanoma Skin cancer

On the other hand, more recent research has not consistently supported the protective effect of Selenium against Skin cancer A study published in the Journal of Nutrition in 2005 analyzed data from a large-scale clinical trial and found no significant association between Selenium supplementation and the risk of Skin cancer Additionally, a review of multiple studies published in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute in 2012 concluded that the evidence for a preventive effect of Selenium on Skin cancer was inconclusive.

In summary, while some studies suggest a potential benefit of Selenium in preventing Skin cancer the research in this area is inconclusive and inconsistent. Further well-designed and controlled studies are needed to provide a clearer understanding of the relationship between Selenium and Skin cancer prevention. It is important for individuals concerned about Skin cancer to consult with healthcare professionals for appropriate prevention strategies, including sun protection, regular skin checks, and maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

 1 Review mentioning 'Skin cancer'.

Supplement: , Used for treating Skin cancer
