The Benefits of Chromium, Acne Treatment

Chromium is a mineral that has been studied for its potential benefits in managing Acne Current medical research suggests that Chromium may play a role in preventing and helping with Acne although the evidence is limited and further studies are needed. One of the proposed mechanisms is the mineral's ability to regulate blood sugar levels. High blood sugar levels can lead to an increase in sebum production, resulting in clogged pores and Acne Studies have shown that Chromium supplements may help improve insulin sensitivity and glucose metabolism, potentially reducing the risk of developing Acne

Another aspect where Chromium may be beneficial for Acne is its potential anti-inflammatory properties. Inflammation is a key factor in the development of Acne and research has indicated that Chromium could have anti-inflammatory effects. It may help reduce the production of certain pro-inflammatory molecules, such as cytokines, which can contribute to Acne formation. However, these findings are based on a limited number of studies, and more robust research is needed to confirm these effects and determine optimal dosage and duration of supplementation.

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Supplement: , Used for treating Acne

Supplement Facts
Serving Size 2 Capsules
Servings Per Container 60
Amuunl Per Sew ng Value
Vrtamm A 1500 mcg rem
(as natural beta carotena vitamin A palmtiate)
Vrtam c (as asoaroro actd) 250 mg 273°;
Vrtamm D (as ohotecatctteratt 15 meg 75ca
Vrtamm E (as d-aipha tacopheryl succmale) 67 mg 447%
m OTHER INGREDIENTS: Hypromellose,
Thiamin (as lhiamin hydmchionde) 20 mg ”367% _ .
R—tboiiavm 20mg 153 a Magnestum Stearate, Calctum Phosphate,
Ntactn (as ntactnamtde) 0 mg l25%
V——ttam Esiaspy do drochio e) 20mg mar Microcrystalline Cellulose, Silica.
Folale 1020 mcg DFE 255%
(600 mcg loltc acid)
Vrtamm BIZ (as cyanocobaiam 100 mcg «67% CONTAINS SDY_
arotm 250 mcg 333%
Pantotrramo Actd (as calorurrr dapanlolhenalei 20 mg 400%
oatorum (as catcrum carbonat male) 150 mg (2%
trorr (as terrous lumarate) 18 mg (00%
todme (as ke class m iodide) 200 mcg (33%
M grresrum (as magnasrum ,aspartatet 75 mg 13%
Zinc ( nc curate) 15 mg ‘36'7:
Seiemum (as sodrum seienata L etenomethro 70 mcg 127%
Copper (as copper glucanate) 2 mg 222%
Manganese (as manganese giucunate) 5mg was DIRECTIONS. For women consume
Chlomlum (as chromium chionde) 120 mcg 343%
Moiybdenttm (as sodrurrr moiybdale) 70 mag ism 2 capsules with food_
Dong Ouai (Ange/[ca smensis) 4-t Hoot Exiraci so mg
Chastebetry inlex agnu casrrrst aerry Extract 50 mg
Garcmra Extract (Gamma camaograxrrndt so mg
Uva Ursr powdered (teatt Exlvacl so mg
W SUGGESTED USE: Intended for use in
(roomstandardizedlo 20 ' aescrn
@ healthy adults as part of a healthy.
Butchers Broom powdered (root) 15 mg _
LemonPeeIPowder 10mg balanced diet and exerctse program.
IsopropOKy tsottavone 10 mg
Grape Seed Extract 10 mg
Deudonzed Game 10 mg
Soy isollavo s 2 mg
Lycopene (tomato iycopene) 250 mcg
Lutem 250 mcg
Aime-Carotene 93 5 may
Cryptoxarr 22 a mcg
Zea antmn 18.7 mg
' Daily Vaiue not estabilsh