It's been a good product for me already
It's been a good product for me already, especially now that I am over 6 decades old. It wasn't long ago that this fact literally slapped me in the face of realization and I decided to start fighting back against age in the best way I knew how, which means a lot more gym time when I can get it. I decided to change my weight lifting routine to fit more of my desired results and age.....rather than lifting heavy weights with just a few sets and reps to produce mass and raw strength as I did when I was younger, I decided to go with a routine of lighter weights with an increased amount of reps and sets to help with muscle tone and balance and, of course, to burn more calories and fat to combat a natural slowing of my metabolism. It's seem to have worked out better, but I believe that it tears the muscles down more to exercise like this and the recovery time was admittedly a bit long @ first. This is just one of the ways where this product comes in handy. Glutamine is supposedly the most abundant amino acid in the body and rather than buying a good BCAA product, I decided to get this and combine it with a good Isolate Whey protein powder and a good dose of Creatine before and after exercising. This regime has already helped to cut the recovery time down to virtually nothing for me, even though I've increased my weight limits by 10% to 20% depending on the particular exercise. Granted, I still hurt a bit the morning after but I don't think that I would be making progress without that being the case....that's just the nature of weight lifting. But instead of days of down time to recover, this particular combination of supplements has decreased it to about 1 - 1.5 days and then I'm good to go again. It just seems to me that when you tear your muscles down by lifting, then they just get hungry and you have to feed them with what they need most and, for me, this product is exactly that. Good product in my opinion and damn good Seller