Many fewer yeast infections
I've really noticed a difference in the instances of yeast infections since taking these. These pills include in the top two probiotic strains that are most present in the vaginal track. So, not all probiotics "work" for vaginal health, but these really do. I had a period of frequent UTIs last year which lead to regular antibiotic taking. Even after I got that under control (by taking D-mannose for urinary health, drinking more water, and making sure to urinate right after sex), the yeast infections continued. I think I must have really wiped out my good bacteria. For three months I took two of these pills each day (am and pm and with food) and now I'm basically back to normal. A doctor friend of mine even suggested just sticking these pills right up there to help repopulate the good bacteria. I do that every so often if I begin to feel the YI itch. You can get the pill wet to begin the process of breaking down the capsule before inserting it into your vagina or open the capsule, dump the contents into a little bit of water, soak that up with a tampon (like OB or other non-applicator kids) and you've got a probiotic infused tampon! I've headed off a few yeast infections that way. Note though, I think this only works with probiotics that don't have other additives - one brand I noticed had cranberry in there (I guess for UTIs?) and another had some vegetable powder blend which I think would just feed the yeast. So in short - for me these worked well to get back to normal after a period of cycling between UTI / Yeast Infections