A Must-Have for Every Parent — Especially During Flu Season
I have been using Sambucol for my kids since my 20 year old son was a toddler, back when it was very very hard to find. Nowadays you can get it at a great price on Amazon or even find it at your local drug store. I wish it had been that easy back when I started using it. I have six kids and each and every time one of them has caught a virus we start to give them this product. It works like a charm each and every time. Even when my son was diagnosed with Influenza and was very sick for 3 days (he also has asthma so it could have been very serious), the symptoms alleviated on the 3rd day and he overcame it it without having to be hospitalized. I truly think this is all due to Sambucol.The way it works it prevents the virus from replicating within the body, effectively killing the viral infection. While some home remedies aren't as effective as they should be, this one without a doubt is a must-have for parents to keep on hand. It's to a virus is what an antibiotic is to a bacterial infection, and it's very effective. When the doctor prescribed Tamiflu to my son I wouldn't even fill it. I just gave him this and it cleared right up.I would rather use a natural product than something with potentially nasty side effects. I recommend that every single parent keep this in the medicine cabinet