Please stop taking supplements! They are KILLING YOU.
NO! PLEASE READ THIS REVIEW BEFORE PURCHASING/TAKING ANY MORE SUPPLEMENTS. I used to take 5 supplements a day. Then it turned into 10. Then 15. Then 20. I was taking so many supplements and not for one second did I think, hey, maybe my diet has something to do with my health issues? Fast forward 4 months -- My entire diet consists of fruits, vegetables, soaked nuts & seeds and honey. How I discovered this living foods diet you ask? I have suffered with skin issues my entire life and cystic Acne more recently. My face/body Acne is my body's way of telling me that my lymphatic system is stagnant. I am forever grateful for finding Dr. Robert Morse and Dan McDonald LifeRegenerator on YouTube. They promote the consumption of raw, living foods (such as fruits, vegetables, and soaked nuts/seeds). It is pretty much a raw vegan lifestyle and they acknowledge the benefits of honey. I highly recommend checking out Robert and Dan to educate yourself on the benefits of a living foods lifestyle. I have been on this health journey for 4 months and it has changed my life in every aspect. As I am working on getting my kidneys to filter by eating astringent fruits, drinking green juices, and dry fasting I am noticing the improvement of my Acne, psoriasis, eczema and rashes. Blessings ! Peace, Love & Seasonal Fruit