Taking to Increase Progesterone
Whether you need help getting pregnant, your hormones are unbalanced or your progesterone level is low; Vitamin B6 will help. From what I've read, the luteal phase which is after ovulation has to become longer for your progesterone level to rise. And that taking B6 can help you achieve this. I am currently going through PeriMenopause which is the period before Menopause that begins in your 40s. My periods had been very unpredictable, beyond heavy and I had been struggling with large period blood clots. All common symptoms of low progesterone. But taking progesterone can cause a lot of bad side effects; so l decided to go the natural route. It has been six weeks since I started taking Solgar's B6 2X/day and the first symptom that I got rid of was this churning butterfly sensation that made me feel like I was pregnant and was probably caused by my estrogen dominance. I ovulated this month and I did not have any spotting and my period came on time and it was much lighter with fewer clots. It is still early days but this approach seems to be moving me in the right direction and letting me be in control instead of my period dictating my life for me