As usual, Solgar made a superior product with this Vitamin C Capsule. I found that I was getting a painful red condition in my mouth that closely resembled an infection I get in my mouth when I must use a cortisone inhaler for my asthma. The skin around my mouth was cracking and my whole mouth was red and painful. I knew it wasn't an infection, so I put 1 1 together and came up with a Vitamin C deficiency. I got these capsules sooner than the promised 2 day delivery, and took 2,000 mg that afternoon. The next morning, the redness, soreness, and cracking of my oral tissues was G-O-N-E. I did have a Vitamin C deficiency! I also noticed, after a couple of weeks, that my fingernails were improving dramatically in that they weren't ripping and breaking as they had been doing previously. Now my mouth is free of any of the symptoms I had, and my fingernails are on their way to a full recovery. By my doctor's suggestion, and because of a very strict diet which I must follow that does not allow me fresh fruits or vegetables, I bumped up the dosage to 3,000 mg/day and I'm seeing an even greater improvement. First, this product is as pure as they come. I've been using Solgar for many years. Secondly, they must be kosher, which most Solgar products are, so that's another big plus for me. This is a great product, pure, easy to swallow (and I have trouble swallowing pills and capsules), and kosher. It might not make a great present for someone, but it sure is a great gift that I'm giving myself
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