K2-MK7 (with vitamin C) has fixed my child's teeth!
My daughter's teeth were extremely white when they came in. Everyone commented that she had the whitest teeth they had ever seen. But it wasn't long before they started to rapidly decay. See, I have perfect teeth... not one cavity and my teeth are not vivid white. If you watch tooth decay, it usually starts with bright white spots. So her teeth came in in a weakened state. So now came the frantic search to fix her tooth decay problem. As I searched, she developed brown spots and a hole on one of her bottom canines. She also had problems with what looked like candida on her tongue but would come and go abruptly. So, we cut the sugars way down, I greatly reduced grains and started her on bone broth (Weston A. Price diet). The hole still progressed. I tried putting her on whole food supplements and added magnesium since they seem to supplement foods with calcium and out of balance with magnesium... and not only did that hole continue to get bigger, but a large wedge broke off the back of one of her molars. We had to pull it. Mom's do not give up, so I continued my search. I found K2 in the form of MK7. At the same time I heard that high doses of vitamin C helps kill candida. It was then that I looked up to see if candida contributes to dental caries... and it does. So I purchased another brand of K2 and would empty the capsule contents in watery juice so she could consume it. After awhile, she refused to drink it. Then I found this wonderful little K2 tab from Superior Source that she gladly takes! Between the K2 and high doses of vitamin C, her enamel quickly turned into the slightly translucent crystalline color teeth are suppose to be (just like mine). There use to be a white ring around the large hole in her canine tooth and now it has also re-mineralized. The progression of the hole has stopped. She is 5 now so I have hope that we may make it to her losing that tooth naturally without having to pull it