Towards the end of the bottle I started getting a fishy taste
I was recommended these by my regular optometrist, due to my recent struggles with dry eyes and ongoing Acne rosacea (which I have to take a daily low grade antibiotic to keep at bay). She was very confident that after a few months of taking these supplements, my dry eyes would improve and I would probably even be able to stop taking the antibiotic for my rosacea. However, I am disappointed with the longevity of these supplements. I double checked before I started typing, but the instructions do say to store at room temperature. I keep the bottle with all my other medications and supplements, and when it was down to about a weeks worth, I started experiencing fishy burps and a gross taste. I know this means the oil is going rancid, so I stopped taking them with the last week's worth still in the bottle. I'm pretty disappointed with this, because while these aren't the most expensive, they are still a monthly cost, so I'm bummed I don't even get to finish my bottle. I will order another bottle, but this time I will put them in the refrigerator to make sure that they last as long as they should