Over the years I have tried many brands of antacid products. Some of them work well but Tums is the best low cost solution to cure an upset stomach there is. When there was the major recall of many of the available antacid products on the market, we just kept buying and using Tums. I keep a bottle of these beside my bed and if I have a problem at night I take a couple and go back to sleep. I like this size bottle as I can take about 20 of them out of the bottle and put them in an older medicine bottle and put them into my car. Nothing is worse than driving and having a meal on the road that just does not agree with your stomach.
These assorted berry flavors are not bad and you don't get the chalky taste in your mouth. They are maximum strength for fast acting relief of acid indigestion, heart burn and sour stomach. Tums can interact with some other medicines so check you prescriptions before you start taking them. They also contain just 3 grams of sugar for two tablets so if you are on a sugar restricted diet (diabetic) make sure that you take notice of this.
Like I said, I keep a bottle close to the bedside to take care of any stomach issues before I go to sleep
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