I just purchased the product the other day (hooray for Amazon Prime!). I have been noticing some things being "out of whack" "down there" (ie: getting UTIs more often than ever) and since I'm in my early 30s I've attributed it likely to some hormonal changes. This product came in the mail at the right time for me to test it out---in the last 24 hours I've noticed some very early UTI symptoms and was dreading having to go on an antibiotic for several days to clear it up. I took these bad boys today and will update on the process for those who are on-the-fence about purchasing. I had originally planned on only taking 1 a day to see the effects; however with the onset of "issues" I threw caution to the wind and took 2 to (hopefully) see how much power these things pack lol
I'm at an hour and a half since taking these (with a full bottle of water as recommended--side note: drinking as much water as possible never hurts ladies) and already I have relief. I've also had to pee multiple times (thank you multiple bottles of H2O) and feel so much better than I did before taking these. If anyone cares, you can check back in the next 72 hours (Sunday) for an update, of which I'll avoid giving TMI. Hoping this product is as successful for me as it has been for so many other previous posters!!! Giving 5 stars solely based on the fact that in this short amount of time, I'm already experiencing improvement of symptoms....
So, as promised, I am posting my 72 hour update of using this product (again, for anyone who is interested) **DISCLAIMER** this product may not work as well for some as it does others; every body and its systemic functions are different. If your symptoms persist/worsen with use of this product, please see a doctor for further treatment**
With that being said, on to the update!!! This product is a m a z i n g!! I started using within 12 hours of experiencing very early/mild UTI-like symptoms. I could feel the symptoms were going to progress and I dreaded having to see a doctor/go on antibiotics and the side effects of that medication. Within 24 hours of my first dose (2 pills with a bottle of water as recommended and additional water intake throughout the day) I could already feel relief and improvement. I would liken this feeling to how my body feels after taking an antibiotic and the diminishing of symptoms over the prescribed days of use. Bonuses: not having to take an antibiotic, no adverse gut-related side effects of antibiotic use. At 72 hours of use (6 pills total following the 2 per day recommendation) those symptoms have resolved and I'm 99% symptom-free!!!! I also feel less bloated and the smell my lady parts produce after I break out in an all out sweat have been eliminated as well. Winner, winner, chicken dinner. I am sold on and a believer in this product!! It will be in my health arsenal for the rest of my days. I haven't had any negative side effects in these past 3 days, and I hope and pray that my body continues to respond to and benefit from this supplement; I dread the thought of trying to find another product that's just as effective. Hope this review is helpful for anyone considering this. If you can't tell, I *highly* recommend
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