If only I could give ten stars…
In November of 2014, I finally stopped cursing my very existence and pretty much demanded a dermatology consult for the increasing Hair loss and painful scalp after over a year of continuous weakness and breakage. She checked my ferritin. It was 8.3. Once I looked up what ferritin was, I was Shocked and, then, even more aware of my foot pain, lack of energy, shortness of breath over moderate distances and non-obese leg weakness going up one Flight of stairs! I immediately jumped on Amazon to look up iron supplements - the One supplement that I wasn't taking in an effort to regrow my hair. Understanding How I became so devastatingly iron deficient, I guess I'll never will. What I Do know is that Vitron C has saved me from even more devastating effects to come. Taking two pills a day, after learning how to take iron appropriately, my ferritin went up to 18.2 within a month. In four months, 33.3. Got it checked yesterday out of mourning for the slow, inconsistent hair regrowth: It's up to 118.8. All the pain and weakness, I should say, is long gone. I sit here shocked and amazed and eternally grateful for Vitron C's overwhelming ability to single-handedly return me to health! All benefit with no bowel side effects for me in the least. I'll be taking them until they stop making them or unless my levels start to top out. These have got to be the best iron supplements, WITH the vitamin C, on the market today