Should be part of everyone's diet.
After doing a lot of research on MCT oils, I determined that this would be an ideal product to bring into my daily diet. My family has some history with dementia, and once you notice it going, it's well on its way. Additionally, caffeine doesn't hit me the way it does for others. It doesn't wake me up at all, and I can drink 3 cups of coffee and still fall asleep in 5 minutes. Now that I'm onto my third bottle, I finally decided to write a reflective view over the past several months. First, this is a huge bottle, and so going through it takes some time. It's basically flavorless and odorless, and doesn't impart a greasy feeling in the mouth. There is no aftertaste either. Though it can take a few days to get used to having the oil in the coffee, it actually brings out some of the flavor profile of the coffee in a very interesting and good way. As for the effect of the MCT oil, I have no idea what the long run will be or what it would have been without it. What I do know is that I clear the morning fog a lot faster and I hit my top energy level much earlier in the morning. On the occasion that I'm away and don't get it, that's when I notice it most. Not in a craving kind of way, but just missing it, like the morning isn't really complete. I think I'll stick with the MCT for the long run and hope this company keeps making it the way they have. Additional note: A friend is using this as an additive for her son who has moderate Autism, and she says she and the teachers have noticed some very big differences in his processing and social abilities