An “OUTSTANDING” product!
Please take your time and do some research on this product "before" you order and use it. The book, a cure is in the cupboard, by Dr. Cass Ingram is an excellent place to start as it is very informative with the documentation to back it up. This oil is repeatedly described as "strong" or "potent", however after using it the best word to describe the oil to me is "powerful" as it can cover a multitude of sins (problems). One of the most important things to remember is using just a little goes a long ways. It is utterly amazing the hosts of germs, viruses, fungi and bacteria that this oil can kill. I wanted to "amend" this review to inform anyone who is having a difficult time taking this oil internally. If you rub the oil on the bottom of your feet you will taste it in your mouth within 20 minutes. During this twenty minutes the oil will have penetrated every cell in your body and as a bonus if it is did at night it will give you a peaceful night's sleep while the oil does in work getting rid of nasty germs,fungus, bacteria and viruses. Taking this oil sublingual and in liquid is pretty raw as I have did all three and the simplest (and quite effective)method is to just simply rub the oil on the bottom of your feet