132 Reviews


@Qagid [aw—iii:
,’ Family owned since 1968. i:
Supplement Facts
Serving Size 1 Soflgel
Amount % ”3i"
Per Serving Value
Caiories 5
Aslaxamhin 4 mg
(from Haematococcus p/uvialis Extract)
T .
3:. T; v \ gal-fl
T Daily Vaiue not established-
O‘W ingredien A i , , OI‘ve01i
ts. Or anic Extra Virgin | ,
Sofigei Capsule [bovirge gelatin (ESE-free), glycerin,
water} and d»alpha Tocopherol (from sunflower}:
NOW FOODS, 395 5, Glen Ellyn Rd!
B‘OWingdaie, IL 60108, USA nowf°<’d"°°m
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made arid quality tested in the USA With 9'0baly
urced ‘ngredients,
0t manuf . SOY
i‘ ,aCtUred With wheat, gluten. I
I 3" “Wish or Sesame ingredients. Prolific:5
‘ coma a-c‘l'ty ihat processes other ingred'en
”7mg these allergens.
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e m a C°°|r dry place after openlng-
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