The best way to fight a cold or Flu
Emergen-C is the best at combating symptoms of illnesses such as flus and colds. I have even killed colds by taking this early on. When you start to get that itchy throat feeling, that you know a cold is coming on, I suggest drinking a few cups of this. And do not stop until the cold is gone. It does not work as well on flus, but does help with alleviating the symptoms of it. The warm water helps soothe sore throats as well, which is a plus. It tastes good, so you do not have to worry about having to choke something down. Nor will this leave you woozy headed or dizzy like certain medicines will. I have made a believer out of a few skeptics, by having them try this stuff when they were sick. heck, I was skeptical too, until I actually tried it. and it took out a cold like nothing