It worked for me, hope it does for you, too!
I first got 100 tablets at a local store and from the very first dose felt a difference. I have RA and was in such horrible pain in my shoulders, arms, and hands I could barely function. Some days I'd just lie in bed weeping from the pain. It felt like spears in my shoulders or like a giant pinching my arms. In tears from constant agony I called a friend who knows about supplements, and she recommended this. Her roomie has fibromyalgia and THIS stuff keeps her going -- pain free. I looked the stuff up, was encouraged by various reviews and am glad I gave it a try. I cleared it with my doctor of course. She's pretty open-minded and as an RA specialist wants to find ways to help her patients deal with the pain. I am still taking Rx anti-inflammatories and changed my diet, but only began to slowly get better after starting on "Wobie." In September 2015 I was hardly functioning and unable to drive, hardly able to even bathe myself without crying from the pain. Within hours the pain dialed back from a 9 to a 3 out of 10. I have not taken a Tylenol or aspirin since. I get by now with two tablets in the morning before I eat. If I have a bad day, I take more as needed, but NOT before bedtime. It keeps me up like a shot of caffeine, so nothing after 6pm. Let me also mention that since September I've not had a Migraine or stress headache. (Sinus, yes, but I know how to fix those!) My doctor is very happy with this level of recovery, I also passed this on to my vet, since it's okay for dogs. It's been a slow road and "Wobie" does not work for everyone. One friend is allergic to one of the enzymes. If you're allergic to pineapples or their juice, then this might be bad for you. I'm very lucky to be in the 80% who seem to get relief from RA pain with this stuff. You still have to keep up with eating well, and taking care of your immune system, and taking your Rx meds. It's a shotgun effect. At this point I am about 85% back to my usual energetic self, 90% on a good day. I do not exaggerate to say that I believe this stuff saved my life. I could feel myself shutting down last summer, because when you're sick and in constant pain your mind will mess with you, and your body will follow suit. But I still had a lot of things to do yet, still do! Thankfully I am back in the game of life, a little slower, but still moving forward