Can't Live Without
I started talking these postpartum after wanting to try a different brand following my pregnancy. I had great energy and felt overall much better even while sleep deprived. I stopped taking them when I was getting ready to wean my daughter. However, I gradually started getting severe migraines like I had prior to my pregnancy. I've suffered from migraines since I was a teenager. I was lucky enough to have a Migraine break while pregnant, so they must be hormonal. Anyway, I never would've attributed a prenatal vitamin to help minimize or prevent migraines, but after a little over a month of taking these again I'm already feeling relief from the severity of my migraines and hoping they'll be gone altogether with continued use. I'm not saying it's a cure but it's definitely helped. I also believe it's helped my hair grow stronger and longer, even after losing so much postpartum. I personally take 2 a day since I'm not pregnant or nursing anymore