Update: New Formulation, NO Folic Acid
Update 8/2016: I see the new formulation is now available Original, one-year review: FOLIC ACID, Folate and "methyl" forms of folate are not the same thing. So many people (even professionals) use these terms interchangeably, and it can be very confusing for people who are trying to understand MTHFR genetic polymorphisms and their impact on health. "Folate" is what naturally occurs in foods (raw leafy greens, sunflower seeds, etc.). FOLIC ACID is synthetic, inexpensive and is found in most supplements (including pre-natals) and in fortified, processed foods. FOLIC ACID cannot be utilized well (if at all) in many people with MTHFR polymorphisms (genetic issues). Therefore it must be avoided by those folks because it binds to the folate receptors and prevents natural food sources of folate (and the already-broken-down, bioavailable "methyl-tetrahydrofolate" available in some OTC and prescription supplements) from gaining access. When FOLIC ACID can't be broken down, it cannot be utilized and it piles up in the body. So it is possible to have labs that indicate there is sufficient "folate" (they are actually measuring FOLIC ACID) when the patient is actually suffering from health problems as the result of a functional folate deficiency or insufficiency. Yesterday our doctor was upset when my husband's labs came back with elevated "folate" (which is actually measuring FOLIC ACID) even though we both rigorously avoid it in foods and supplements. We both have MTHFR issues, mine being the worse. After re-checking our supplement bottles I discovered that Jarrow's B-Right has apparently re-formulated this product since I first purchased it years ago. I immediately visited Jarrow's website. The product label displayed on the B-Right product page does NOT list "Folic Acid" anywhere in the ingredients. But the bottles that arrived from Amazon today sure do! They will be returned. I just wrote Jarrow to ask about the label information discrepancy. Apparently others who visited that product page on Jarrow's website also recognized the problem, and posted about it in their reviews. One person said that Jarrow informed them that 350 mcg of the 400 mcg of "folate" listed on the label is actually FOLIC ACID, while only 50 mcg is the advertised, bio-available "Quatrefolic" ((6S)-5-methyl-tetrahydrofolic acid). This is very disappointing, and it looks like it is "back to the drawing board" in my search for a replacement for this product in our supplement regimen. In the past we have recommended this supplement to other family members and friends who have MTHFR issues, and now I need to contact them all and tell them to stop taking it immediately. I will update this review when I hear back from Jarrow. Update: Jarrow said they have reformulated this product and the label on their website reflects that new formula... with no folic acid. Before that it contained both folic acid and methylfolate. I guess I was misled by the advertising and thought the product contained only methylfolate. That was before I was diagnosed with the MTHFR variants and became more diligent about examining labels. Here's the problem: Although Jarrow's reply indicated that there has been a re-formulation, I have yet to locate the new product in the "real world." Everything I see out there has the old label. So there you have it