Important nutraceutical for health, healing and athletic performance
I have used several brands of L-glutamine. I like this one because I can buy it in bulk at a cost savings. It contains 2 gm of L-glutamine per 1/2 teaspoon. This L-glutamine powder is easily mixed with water and has a pleasant taste. It can be taken with other supplements, and is best taken on an empty stomach to derive the most "bang for your buck." L-glutamine is a supplement popular with athletes to improve their performance and bodybuilders to increase muscle mass. At the other end of the health spectrum, it is taken by people who wish to heal their bodies of disease or prevent it. I personally take 6 gm per day on an empty stomach. I take it to promote digestive health, to maintain muscle mass (which all of us lose as we age), and as a prevention for cancer. Bodybuilders and athletes often take up to 15 gm per day of L-glutamine. For maximum benefits, exercise nutritionists recommend consuming 5 gm, 1 to 3 times per day, before workout, after workout, and before bed. For digestive issues (such as IBS), the protocol is: 1-3 times per day, take 3-5 gm of L-glutamine (on an empty stomach) along with high-potency probiotics (on an empty stomach), digestive enzymes (with meals) and enteric-coated peppermint capsules (on an empty stomach). L-glutamine is frequently utilized as part of a nutraceutical protocol to prevent and/or heal cancer. Recommended dosage for cancer issues is 5-15 gm per day. Cancer cells devour all the supplies of L-glutamine in the body, to the point that they deplete the supply of L-glutamine that is essential to the survival of healthy cells in the body. In particular, when levels of L-glutamine become very low in the body, levels of glutathione fall in our natural killer cells, decreasing their ability to defend healthy cells from cancer cells. More than 90% of the body's L-glutamine supply resides in muscles. When this is depleted, it creates a dangerously negative nitrogen balance. There is strong scientific evidence that this depletion is tied to the common occurrence in cancer patients of cachexia (wasting of the body due to malnutrition). Supplementing with L-glutamine can help prevent this. This is a crucial discovery, because about one-third of cancer patients die from cachexia. L-glutamine also helps lower the immune-destroying effects of Chemotherapy and radiation