I can now stop and smell the roses
I have come to realize that this new supplement that my husband added to my daily regimen of vitamins and supplements (which was added to help my tinnitus) has actually given me back my sense of smell. I have never been able to smell well. Roses were always a waste of money. They looked beautiful but I could never smell them. I bet I can now. Going outside yesterday after the rain and breathing deep the smell of the trees was an ahhh moment and priceless reward. I am also less/to not at all allergic to my great dane which is a miracle and blessing. I love that dog! Insert gross WARNING...I also do not blow my nose as much as before...This new found sense of smell can also be a detriment as I can now smell the other end of the scale. Horrid smells are now there also and are driving me crazy! I'm not sure if this supplement would help everyone the way it has me but I would give it a shot if you have sinus issues. It took me less than one bottle to realize this amazing discovery. If you have other health issues, I suggest you ask your Dr first before adding anything new. For me, the one daily dose will be a part of my every day routine