Calms my newborn's stomach so she can sleep.
I'm a first time mom struggling to figure out my newborn. She doesn't sleep like newborns are supposed to ( according to what I have read on the internet) and I've come to the conclusion that her digestive tract is bothering her. I've changed my diet my omitting dairy, eggs, and gassy foods. It has helped, but she still seems to have some issues with her stomach being upset and acid Reflux. I decided to try gripe water because it looks like healthy ingredients without chemicals. So far it has worked great at calming my baby so she can sleep. She is 6 weeks old and we have been using gripe water once or twice a day for a couple of weeks. She likes the taste, she sucks it down so fast. She usually burps within a few minutes and calms down. She gets so agitated when her stomach is bothering her that she can't sleep even when she is exhausted. Gripe water has helped us soothe her. I'd say it's worked for us 9 times out of 10. I'm buying my second bottle now. I just spent 3 hours trying to get her to sleep, then realized it must be her stomach again so I gave her gripe water and she is now sleeping peacefully. I highly recommend