Breast Cancer (Stage 4) – More Energy
Mom was diagnosed with Stage 4 Breast Cancer in April 2017 (with cancer also found in lymph nodes and lungs). Chemo was the only suggested route. She refused. We tried using the Tony Isaac's Oleander approach with Stage 4 cancers but the reaction from taking oleander left her awfully weak. Weak to the point where she would just sleep all day long. It's just unfortunately the reaction her body had with the Rose Laurel OPC pills (got to the dose of 5 per day, but couldn't increase more). Other people seem to tolerate Oleander better. She is still drinking IP-6 (up to 10 pills per day). I started ordering these Liposomal Vitamin C packets. About 5 days ago, she started drinking 10 packets every day (not all at once. Just 3 packets 3 times throughout the day). She reports sleeping better. She also reports higher energy. That's good enough for me for now. It seems like the packets are having some kind of an effect. We're going to continue with doing 10 packets per day and maybe even increase to 15 per day. I wanted to share this as I know there are other people looking for reviews like this. I know I was when I was going through the reviews of this Liposomal Vitamin C. The next step we're trying is Ozone Generator Sauna / Body Bag. Another potential thing we might try is Baking Soda (to balance and increase PH). It would already be a success if the growth would just stop