Promising discovery!!
Hi I don't have a review yet for this product. I suffer from severe anemia due to fibroids. I've been able to shrink them utilizing systemic enzymes and I'm very grateful for that. It has been a long long journey trying naturally cure myself. Rebuilding my blood is whats imperative at my current stage. I currently suffer with severe anemia symptoms like horrible fatigue after walking short distances and up stairs or hills. It literally takes my breath away and my body loses all of its energy to function. I also have "pica" a incredible desire to chew ice all day, every day. It gives me the boost of oxygen I need but I'd rather not live this way for the rest of my life! I take a tbl spoon of unsulfured blackstrap molasses everyday and I drink high alkaline water infused with liquid chlorophyll. I drink that all day, everyday......and I chew chew chew away on ice! LOL So anyway, I am very very very happy to have found such awesome reviews for this product and I can't wait to start my regimen. All the reviews that discussed how it's helped with severe anemia etc. is EXTREMELY promising form. I CANNOT WAIT TO KICK MY ICE HABIT and get back to feeling full of energy and alertness. I'll come back to update periodically. First update 4/1/15 Because of my urgent need to feel normal again I went and purchased a small bottle 30ct for $13 from my local Vitamin Shoppe. I took 2 tablets and will continue with 2 a day and I will scale down once I've started feeling some results. The tablets are easy to swallow and are a desirable size. The doesn't bother me at all nor does the taste. If you are familiar with the taste of green smoothies, any type of raw veggies than you won't need anything more than water to get it down. I will return with more updates....... Update 4/16/15 Alright so I have been taking 2 a day for 15 days and this little 30 day bottle of magic has definitely been a blessing!! As of 4/14/15 I was able to climb a few flights of steps without feeling like I was gonna pass out. I regained normal breathing with a typical heart rate within 5 mins. Overall these are all the amazing changes I've experienced so far, in no particular order: 1. My sleep pattern has improved. Full nights rest. I actually get up feeling refreshed and energized. 2. No more extreme fatigue and exhaustion after walking short distances....the pep in my step has returned! Which means I can start my way back to exercising. 3. Pica has decreased. I don't crave ice as much...but still a working progress. 4. My libido has returned. 5. I've lost some inches around the waistline. 6. Skin tags on my neck have decreased or faded in size and color. 7. I stopped consuming black strap molasses early on just to see how my body manages and I haven't needed to take any. I also stopped putting liquid chlorophyll in my water and I haven't had to take any since. Sooooooooooo, I'm extremely pleased with these magical little green tablets '''! I'm gonna see how I fare through my monthly cycle in just 2 days. So I will be back with more updates. In the meantime I gonna purchase a 180ct bottle soon! I'm a lifer!! UPDATE UPDATE UPDATE*** 11/4/15 Received results from bloodwork. Hemoglobin has improved, blood count was at a 7.9 vs the reeeeeeeally dangerous level of 3.7 that I had suffered through since Jan 2014. I have to up my dosage to 3 a day when my cycle comes. I was taking 2 a day and although it did the trick it was slightly not enough once my cycle ended. It would take a week or more for my energy to return after being bit by the vampire! Sooooo, this will probably be my final review. But I wanted to give others that suffered for sooooooo long a genuine idea of how MIRACULOUS this stuff truly is. BUT you have to keep taking it....I'm a lifer until mother nature blesses me with the other thing...Menopause