I have been using this product for almost a week now and my only complaint is that I didn't find pit about it sooner! First, a bit about myself. I am a 45 year old black woman, suffering from gout, constipation, fibrmyalgia, muscle cramps, brain fog and horrible Insomnia, along with chronic depression and yes I am overweight, yes folks I am a hot mess! I found out about CALM from an article about the five vitamins and supplements that our bodies need the most, I was already taking four of them, so that made me feel good and when I read about CALM, I was like great this may be just what I need, especially after I read about all of the possible benefits that were to be achieved after taking CALM. Well, let me tell you how it has helped me in under a week. I am sleeping through the night, my mood is improving and that in of it self is a miracle. I have been suffering from depression for over 20 years and nothing helped, this is helping. I am able to think a bit clearer and turn off my brain, which in turn is also helping me sleep! Another major benefit is relief of muscle pain and cramps, especially after exercising! I did a particularly tough workout the other day, well hell any workout when you're fat can be tough, but this one consisted of weight training, cardio and ab work. I fully expected that I would be in horrible pain the next morning, but I wasn't as a matter of fact, I felt great! This also, seems to be helping with my fibromyalgia too. Now, the biggest benefit so far is the relief from my contipation! If I went once a week, I considered myself lucky. I had tried everything under the sun to get things moving so to speak, and either it would work for a while and then nothing, or worse yet nothing would happen at all. Any one that has suffered from constipation, knows now horrible it can be and how miserable you can become, both emotionally and physically. Well, since I have been taking CALM, I go two sometimes three times a day! I feel so much lighter, my friends and family always said I was full of crap and I guess they were right! I guess after reading my review you are thinking either she is being paid for this or it really works, well it is definitely the latter! It is working for me and I believe it will work for you too, try it what have you got to lose besides a crappy mood, sleepless night, a lot of crap and cramps? Jeez, I think $23.00 is a pretty fair trade off don't you. One more thing the dosage that I am using is two teaspoons at night and one teaspoon in the morning, both with 3 teaspoons of benefiber mixed in girl still needs her fiber! and BTW it's a store brand). I hope this review helps and if you have any questions please contact me, I am real and this review is real