It seems to be working and I'm thrilled
I've never taken Oregano Oil before. MY ISSUE: blocked left ear. Last Feb I spent a load of $ at an ENT office; MRI, CAT scan, she said it looked like I have some sort of valve that's not staying open properly, trapping fluid. At that time, the hearing in my left ear was near-gone. If I snapped my fingers next to my hear I couldn't hear it. All sounds seemed to be coming from my right because my right ear was doing all the hearing. I was put on a course of steroids & antibiotics; within the week my hearing was totally restored and the "full" feeling was gone. But those side effects! A 6 lb weight gain and a stomach that suddenly couldn't handle foods that used to be no problem. Then ... allergy season ... my left ear feels full again and my hearing started going downhill. As before, first I lost the ability to hear lower tones, so like if I'm listening with just my left ear (via earbud) to a man speaking he sounds like he sucked helium. Kind of funny but also annoying because the next thing is, the hearing gets worse and worse. So that's the point I'd gotten to when I started on the Oregano Oil last Monday night. This morning, Saturday, I woke up and first thing checked my left ear with an earbud, comparing to my right ear ... the guy's voice sounded nearly halfway normal! My ear still has the full feeling but I'm positive this is an improvement from 6 days ago. I still have tinnitus but I don't care about that, I've had it on and off for years. DOSAGE: I started with just one p.m. capsule Monday & Tuesday. No problems. On Wednesday added a.m. Still no problems, so since Thursday I've been taking 3 capsules a day: when I first wake up, then midafternoon and last one an hour or so before bed. Absolutely no stomach reaction so I take them by the clock, not according to whether or not I've eaten. I'm considering adding a 4th capsule. I'm hoping in another week I can come back and report even more improvement. FINGERS CROSSED