Impressive List of Vits and Minerals
An impressive list of vitamins and minerals, plus ingredients for easier, smoother digestion. I cannot say that I noticed any extra benefits of the digestion claim , but this vitamin is an up from a regular women`s one day , and being 35 is an asset. I take prenatal vitamins as recommended by my specialists, and my pharmacists have chimed in the the recommendations after learning of my health issues and concerns. I have weakened immunity , bordering on low bone density, autoimmune diseases including newly discovered parathyroidism , had lymph nodes removed due to 3rd stage grade 3B Breast Cancer, had aggressive chemo with long term /permanent effects, and surgical induced menopause before natural menopause. The extra boost of a prenatal aids in my best interest of health rather than a simple one a day. I think this is a great offering for 35 . The vitamins are brown, hard and capsule shaped. Not hard to swallow for me, but I can see it might be for someone not used to taking large pills, or have issues swallowing. I`ve not noticed a taste, I take with plenty of water and do not allow the vitamin to linger in my mouth. I`ve not had an upset tummy after taking the vitamins. I`ve not had any adverse effects. The dosage is 1 x day , which is optimal for me . Supply is 30 days - I wish it was 60 days, but I understand being a prenatal there may not be reason to go beyond that quantity. I am pleased with the vitamins overall