Highly Recommend North American Herb & Spice Oreganol P73… It has really contributed to my good health
I love the North American Herb and Spice Oreganol (Oil of Oregano) because it is so easy to use. When I first started it ... I put one drop under my tongue ... and I felt like I was burning my mouth! So I used water to dilute it. Now, after around a month... I can put 3 drops under my tongue and just use my saliva to swallow. It is that easy. I also have felt and seen wonderful healing of my body. I was all aches and pains before I started this. My hip was killing me. I had trouble walking. Since taking this , I have no trouble walking and have energy! I feel like a new woman. Everyday for a month I have been putting a few drops on my irritated fibroma that I got removed recently. All tests came back negative. The oral surgeon said that it was definitely not cancer...Thank God! I hear all these stories today of Oral Cancer and freak out. It must be healing the bad bacteria and parasites in my body. I have been feeling great with so much energy. I read to use it for 7 days and then stop for 7... then start again in a month. I think if you take it too long that it can affect the liver. I highly recommend this for anyone fighting viruses, have a poor immune system.... does not eat healthy.... It will change your way of thinking. I am eating healthy ... no more acidic foods and no more coffee or tea.... just medicinal tea like Dandelion Tea, Chamomile, Licorice tea etc...I have low blood pressure, so I cannot drink or take any tea/supplement that might lower my blood pressure. It is important to read all the side effects. No Sugar.... Sugar makes the cells drunk... so when a parasite comes into the body ... our good cells....the fighters of viruses and infections do not recognize the virus/parasite because we loaded them with sugar.... and they are drunk on it. This did not give me any herxheimer reactions. I hate those and stay away from any supplement or tea/tincture that may cause the detox symptoms. It is pure hell to go through that. Not healthy at all to have herx reaction. Though people seem to think it is good. It is not and can lead to death or cardiac arrest/Stroke...etc. God bless